Lose Weight In A Week!: The True Story Of Weight Loss Lose Weight In A Week
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The True Story Of Weight Loss

lose weight in a week

Are you looking to lose weight? If you are, I'd like want to share the experiences of a fat woman to get her ideal weight. Her real name I'll keep in secret because privacy and I hope her story will motivate you to get your own ideal weight body.

Dear Friends;

My name is Carolina (Not her real name), and I know RIGHT where you are now, as I was once there, and perhaps my own deeply personal story may be of some help to you. Bear in mind, this is very difficult for me to share.. So I hope you can gain something valuable from it. 

I have been overweight since the earliest years of my Life, pretty much as far back as I can remember. It got even worse in middle-school where I became what the doctors called "clinically obese." Growing up, I was teased all throughout high-school. I constantly found myself on the receiving end of all kinds of verbal abuse from both boys and girls alike. Especially the girls. I remember being called horrible things like "Lard-***", "Beach-whale", "Fatso", and all the etc's. This was absolutely devastating to my self-esteem and feelings of self-worth. I felt all alone, especially when I witnessed my peers having boyfriends, going out on dates, falling in love, and of course all the school functions, like Prom. When I WAS looked at by the boys, I could almost feel their disgust projected upon me. I eventually had to be put on anti-anxiety psych meds because I developed a severe case of social axiety. I was ashamed of myself, and of my body. The idea of being in public was absolutely terrifying. I felt like EVERYONE was looking at me, whispering mean things, and laughing at me. True or not, I believed it. And it hurt. I knew I had to do something about it. 

You see, I am one of those people where no matter what I ate, it seemed that I could not lose ANY weight. This was even the case when I would exercise. I would go power-walking, jog, and one time I even had a Gym membership, which I eventually gave up because I could not deal with being around others who were so in shape... It made me feel very awkward and isolated. Anyways, I finally just decided to accept the fact that I would probably be like this forever. Eventually, I did get a boyfriend who I was with for about six months. That was until one day, when we decided to go to a local carnival. I noticed a change in him when we were in public. Unlike when in private, he seemed very distant, detached, and disinterested. When I would try to hold his hand, he would pull away. Later that night, after the carnival, he called me and said it was over. When I asked why, he told me that he was embarressed to be seen with me. He said his friends would make fun of him, and people would refer to him as the "Heffer's boyfriend." He did apologize, but said that we could no longer see each other. I remember crying myself to sleep that night. I told myself THAT WAS IT. I could NEVER go through that EVER again. It was time to fix this once and for all. I had to find a way to shed all those lbs, something that would work for me. 

Anyways, after hours and hours of research, reading countless reviews and testimonials, I did come across one website. A weight loss program that caught my eye. Setting my inherent skepticism aside for a moment, I signed up for the site. Now, fast forward 8 weeks after learning and utilizing all the material and support in the program, I lost almost 50 POUNDS!! 47 to be exact. And STILL going. I am amazed at the results, and my whole self-image has changed for the better. I have not gotten into another relationship since the change, but that's Ok. I am perfectly comfortable being single now, as I have a new-found confidence which allows me to feel like I have much more control over my own Love-life. I feel like I have many more choices now, and I can even notice how Men look at me differently. I finally feel comfortable in my own skin. It's a great feeling. I am even hopeful that I will be ready for the beach this Summer! This was truly a God-send for me. Though, it wasn't always easy.. it was WELL worth it! 

I hope my story was of some help to you, I know all too well the pain and struggle of obesity and being overweight. I am proud to say that I am a survivor. I wish you the best! 

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